This file contains the upper bounds (UB) and lower bounds (LB) for testset ubo100_cal_60 introduced in Kreter, S.; Rieck, J.; Zimmermann, J. (2016): Models and solution procedures for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with general temporal constraints and calendars, European Journal of Operational Research 251(2), 387-403. All initial UB and LB values were calculated with methods given in Kreter, S.; Rieck, J.; Zimmermann, J. (2016): Models and solution procedures for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with general temporal constraints and calendars, European Journal of Operational Research 251(2), 387-403. LB and UB values marked by "+" are improved values calculated with methods given in Kreter, S.; Schutt, A.; Stuckey, P.J. (2016): Using constraint programming for solving RCPSP/max-cal, submitted to Constraints. For solutions marked by "*" the optimal makespan has been varified. ============================================ instance LB UB opt/inf ____________________________________________ psp100_60_1 inf+ inf+ * psp100_60_2 397+ 431+ psp100_60_3 278+ 366+ psp100_60_4 312+ 312+ * psp100_60_5 288+ 288+ * psp100_60_6 361+ 361+ * psp100_60_7 289 289+ * psp100_60_8 417+ 417+ * psp100_60_9 260+ 298+ psp100_60_10 457+ 457+ * psp100_60_11 334 334 * psp100_60_12 296+ 296 * psp100_60_13 158+ 158+ * psp100_60_14 270+ 270+ * psp100_60_15 317 317 * psp100_60_16 163+ 163+ * psp100_60_17 346 346 * psp100_60_18 369 369 * psp100_60_19 256+ 256+ * psp100_60_20 250+ 250+ * psp100_60_21 389 389 * psp100_60_22 649 649 * psp100_60_23 323 323 * psp100_60_24 243 243 * psp100_60_25 270 270 * psp100_60_26 246 246 * psp100_60_27 243+ 243+ * psp100_60_28 299 299 * psp100_60_29 320 320 * psp100_60_30 221 221 * psp100_60_31 inf inf * psp100_60_32 351+ 351+ * psp100_60_33 424+ 424+ * psp100_60_34 430+ 430+ * psp100_60_35 inf inf * psp100_60_36 411+ 411+ * psp100_60_37 487+ 487+ * psp100_60_38 607+ 607+ * psp100_60_39 557 557 * psp100_60_40 453+ 488+ psp100_60_41 521+ 521+ * psp100_60_42 427 427 * psp100_60_43 422 422 * psp100_60_44 627 627 * psp100_60_45 562 562 * psp100_60_46 361 361+ * psp100_60_47 411 411 * psp100_60_48 564+ 564+ * psp100_60_49 311 311 * psp100_60_50 369 369+ * psp100_60_51 375 375 * psp100_60_52 409 409 * psp100_60_53 240 240 * psp100_60_54 521 521 * psp100_60_55 334 334 * psp100_60_56 418 418 * psp100_60_57 495 495 * psp100_60_58 457 457 * psp100_60_59 348 348 * psp100_60_60 264 264 * psp100_60_61 900 900 * psp100_60_62 660+ 660+ * psp100_60_63 inf inf * psp100_60_64 690 690 * psp100_60_65 529+ 529+ * psp100_60_66 inf inf * psp100_60_67 363+ 363+ * psp100_60_68 640+ 640 * psp100_60_69 689+ 689+ * psp100_60_70 475+ 475+ * psp100_60_71 780+ 780+ * psp100_60_72 981 981 * psp100_60_73 inf+ inf+ * psp100_60_74 323+ 323+ * psp100_60_75 739 739 * psp100_60_76 555 555 * psp100_60_77 505 505 * psp100_60_78 510+ 510+ * psp100_60_79 625+ 625+ * psp100_60_80 758 758 * psp100_60_81 608 608 * psp100_60_82 682 682 * psp100_60_83 283 283 * psp100_60_84 311 311 * psp100_60_85 649+ 649 * psp100_60_86 642 642 * psp100_60_87 500+ 500 * psp100_60_88 558 558 * psp100_60_89 452 452 * psp100_60_90 634 634 *