Dr. Philipp Aschersleben

Medice Arzneimittel Pütter GmbH & Co. KG, Iserlohn

    Publikationen und Vorträge

    • Aschersleben, P., Steiner, W.
      Dynamic pricing using flexible heterogeneous sales response models.
      OR Spectrum, 46(1), 2024, 29-72. (Download)
      Aschersleben, P., Steiner, W.
      A semiparametric approach to estimating reference price effects in sales response models.
      Journal of Business Economics, 92(4), 2022, 591-643. (Download)
    • Aschersleben, P., Wagner, M., Wied, D.
      Monitoring Euro Area Real Exchange Rates
      In: Steland, A., Rafajłowicz, E. and Szajowski, K., editors, Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 122, 363-370. Springer International Publishing, 2015. (Download)
    • Aschersleben, P., Wagner, M., Wied, D.
      cointmonitoR: Consistent Monitoring of Stationarity and Cointegrating Relationships. R package. (Download)
      Aschersleben, P., Wagner, M.
      cointReg: Parameter Estimation and Inference in a Cointegrating Regression. R package. (Download)
    • Flexible Dynamic Sales Response Models to Improve Retail Sales Forecasts
      Working Group Meeting of AG DANK, Bielefeld, 11/2021
      Accounting for nonlinear, heterogeneous, and dynamic effects in store-level price response models
      1st Working Group Meeting of AG Marketing, Karlsruhe, 11/2019
      Accommodating nonlinearities and dynamics in store-level price response models
      30th European Conference on Operational Research, Dublin, 06/2019


      • Inhaltliche Organisation und Durchführung des gemeinsamen Arbeitsgruppentreffens von AG Marketing und AG DANK der GfKl an der TU Clausthal (07./08.10.2022)
      • Programm
      • Nachbericht
    • WiSe 2022Übung "Marktforschung Teil Datenanalyse"
      SoSe 2022Übung "Marketing"
      WiSe 2021Übung "Käuferverhalten"
      SoSe 2021Übung "Marketing"
      WiSe 2020Übung "Marktforschung Teil 2"
      SoSe 2020Übung "Marketing Teil 1"
      WiSe 2019Seminar "Multivariate Datenanalyse mit SPSS",
      Übung "Marktforschung Teil 2"
      SoSe 2019Übung "Marketing Teil 1"
      WiSe 2018Übung "Marktforschung Teil 2"
      SoSe 2018Seminar "Multivariate Methoden in der Marktforschung"
      WiSe 2017Repetitorium "Marketing"