

Veröffentlichungen in referierten Fachzeitschriften

Work in Progress

  • Social identity and responsibility [jointly with Miguel Abellan-Ossenbach, Mario Mechtel and Christoph Schütt]. (Working paper is coming soon)

  • Non-Events in the Public Health Sector - Causes, Consequences, and Empirical Evidence, [jointly with Jörg Felfe, Pauline Halm, Thomas Jacobsen, Jan Philipp Krügel, Yvonne Nestoriuc, Mey-Ling Sommer and Stefan Traub].  (Working paper is coming soon)

  • The Impact of Non-Events on the Efficiency of Risk Communication, [jointly with Jörg Felfe, Pauline Halm, Thomas Jacobsen, Jan Philipp Krügel, Yvonne Nestoriuc, Mey-Ling Sommer and Stefan Traub].  (Working paper is coming soon)

  • Fake evaluations and solutions [jointly with Janina Kraus, Philipp Krügel, Matthias Greiff and David Kusterer].

  • A little uncertainty diminishes social preferences, [jointly with Ulrich Schmidt and Stefan Traub].

  • Heterogeneity, Social Identity and the Social Contract, [jointly with Nicola Maaser, Markus Tepe and Stefan Traub].

  • Exclusion aversion, [jointly with Christian Hirschmann, Nicola Maaser and Stefan Traub].

  • Skewness-adjusted Social Preferences: Elite-behavior.

  • Social identity, migration and structural change.

  • Deontology: Some new insights and empirical evidence, [jointly with Diego Conzalez, Janina Kraus and Roland Menges]


Abteilung für Volkswirtschaftslehre

Julius-Albert-Str. 2
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Raum: 104
Telefon: +49 (5323) 72 - 7630
Fax: +49 (5323) 72 - 7639

Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung

Sektretariat: Sabine Wuttke-Klein
Raum: 105
Telefon: +49 (5323) 72 - 7625
Fax: +49 (5323) 72 - 7639