

Prof. Dr. Fabian Paetzel

Prof. Dr. Fabian Paetzel

Department of Economics

Phone: +49 (5323) 72 - 7630
Email: fabian.paetzel@tu-clausthal.de


Sabine Wuttke-Klein

Sabine Wuttke-Klein

Department of Management and Digital Transformation
Department of Economics

Phone: +49 (5323) 72 - 7625
Email: sabine.wuttke-klein@tu-clausthal.de

Scientific staff


Student asisstants


Prof. Dr. Mathias Erlei

Prof. Dr. Mathias Erlei

Former chairholder

⁕1963    †2019

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Greiff

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Greiff

Department of Behavioral Management & Economics
Phone: +49 (5323) 72 -7670


Dr. Janina Kraus

Dr. Janina Kraus

Leuphana University Lüneburg

Coordinator of the Doctoral Research Group "Behavioural Economics and Social Transformation"

Malte Wollboldt, Grad. Ind. Eng.

Malte Wollboldt, Grad. Ind. Eng.

Abteilung für Volkswirtschaftslehre

Telefon: +49 (5323) 72 – 7619
E-Mail: malte.wollboldt[at]tu-clausthal.de

Dr. rer. pol. Jens-Peter Springmann

Dr. rer. pol. Jens-Peter Springmann

Telefon: +49 (5321) 3816 8000
E-Mail: jpspringmann[at]efzn.de

Dr. rer. pol. J. Philipp Siemer

Dr. rer. pol. J. Philipp Siemer

Deutsche Telekom AG
Telefon: +49 (0228) -181 91260
E-Mail: philipp.siemer[at]gmx.de

Dr. rer. pol. Sandra Maeding

Dr. rer. pol. Sandra Maeding

Vattenfall Europe Distribution Berlin GmbH