Dr. rer. pol. Eduard Braun


2001 - 2006Economics studies at the University of Passau (Degree: Grad. Economist)
2007 - 2012Scientific Assistant at the Chair of Theoretical Economics at the University of Passau
2008 - 2011Doctorate studies in Economics at the University of Angers (France).
Dissertation title: Financial Markets and Economic Growth
2008Scholar at the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn (Alabama)
Since 2012Scientific Assistant at the Department of Economics
at the Institute of Management and Economics
at Clausthal University of Technology
2015WIWA Nachwuchspreis (Prize for young scholars)
for Pluralist Economics of the Witten Institute of Institutional Change
"Wittener Instituts für institutionellen Wandel"
Since 2016Lecturer for History of Economics
at the Business and Information Technology School (BiTS) in Berlin
2017Symposium on my article “The ecological rationality
of historical costs and conservatism” in the Journal "Accounting,
Economics and Law – A Convivium" with contributions of
Sudipta Basu and Gregory B. Waymire, Vicki Wei Tang,
Richard C. Baker, Shizuki Saito and Yoshitaka Fukui
Since 2018Lecturer for General Economics at the Harz University of Applied Sciences



A. Monographs

  1. Finance Behind the Veil of Money - The Economics of Capital, Interest, and the Financial Market, Liberty.me, 2014
    • Discussed by Prof. Dr. Andreas Scholze in Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis 68 (2), 2016, p. 209
    • Discussed by Prof. Dr. David Howden in The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 18 (4), pp. 578-583

B. Teaching material

  1. Begleitheft DML804-BH (zum Fachbuch "Business Trends in the Digital Era" von Zhu, X., Song, B., Ni, Y. Ren, Y. und Li, R. Singapore: Springer, 2016), AKAD Bildungsgesellschaft, 2020

C. Essays in journals

  1. The Rationale of Originary Interest, in: New Perspectives on Political Economy 7 (2), 2011, pp. 177-201
  2. The Subsistence Fund in Ludwig von Mises's Explanation of the Business Cycle, in Procesos de Mercado: Revista Europea de Economía Política 9 (2), 2012, pp. 297-314
  3. A French Predecessor of the "Austrian" Theory of the Business Cycle - Marcel Labordère on the American Crisis of 1907, in: The Journal of Prices & Markets 1 (1), 2013, pp. 49-57
  4. Eduard Braun und Mathias Erlei: Über die Relevanz der Entstehungsgeschichte von Krisen, in: Jahrbuch normative und institutionelle Grundfragen der Ökonomik 13: Unsere Institutionen in Zeiten der Krise, 2014, pp. 245-271
  5. The Menger-Lachmann Trajectory on Capital. A Comment on Endres and Harper, in: Journal of the History of Economic Thought 36 (1), 2014, pp. 97-102
  6. Menger on the Nature of Capital and its Structure: A Rejoinder, in: Journal of the History of Economic Thought 36 (1), 2014, pp. 111-113
  7. Critical Reflections on Rothbard's Concept of Gross Investment, in: Journal des économistes et des études humaines 20 (1), 2014, pp. 43-59. (Please find the publishing house publication under www.degruyter.com.)
  8. Carl Menger's Contribution to Capital Theory, in: History of Economic Ideas 23 (1), 2015, pp. 77-99. Here is a former version as TUC position paper
  9. What must not, cannot be for Endres and Harper: Capital Theory without Production? in: History of Economic Ideas 23 (2), 2015, pp. 179-185
  10. A Comment on Dr. Howden's Review of 'Finance behind the Veil of Money', in: The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 19 (1), 2016, pp. 121-123
  11. Reply to Dr. Howden on Opportunity Costs, in: The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 19 (2), 2016, pp. 173-177
  12. Eduard Braun and David Howden: Keynes v. Hayek, Again, in: The Journal of Prices & Markets 5 (1), pp. 91-96
  13. The German Historical School on the Impossibility of Economic Calculation under Socialism, in: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis 68 (2), 2016, pp. 126-135
  14. Eduard Braun und David Howden: The Rise and Fall of the Subsistence Fund as a Resource Constraint in Austrian Business Cycle Theory, in: Review of Austrian Economics 30, pp. 235-249
  15. Eduard Braun, Peter Lewin und Nicolás Cachanosky: Ludwig von Mises's approach to capital as a bridge between Austrian and institutional economics, in: Journal of Institutional Economics 12 (4), 2016, pp. 847-866
  16. The Theory of Capital as a Theory of Capitalism, in: Journal of Institutional Economics 13 (2), 2017, pp. 305-325
  17. Eduard Braun und Wiebke Roß: The Market Process of Capitalization: A Laboratory Experiment on the Effectiveness of Private Information, in: Journal of Evolutionary Economics 28 (4), 2018, pp. 951-960
  18. The Ecological Rationality of Historical Costs and Conservatism, in: Accounting, Economics, and Law. A Convivium 9 (1), 2019, Article 1
  19. Concluding Remarks on the Symposium on the Evolutionary Advantage of Cost Accounting and Conservatism, in: Accounting, Economics, and Law. A Convivium 9 (1), 2019, Article 6
  20. Gibt es eine liberale Position zur Haftungsbeschränkung für Kapitalgesellschaften?, in: Jahrbuch normative und institutionelle Grundfragen der Ökonomik 17: Kapitalismus und Freiheit 17, 2019, pp. 101-116
  21. Capital as in Capitalism, or Capital as in Capital Goods, or Both?, in: The Review of Austrian Economics 33 (3), 2020, pp. 383-395
  22. Carl Menger (1840-1921): Contribution to the Theory of Capital (1888), Section V, in: Journal of Institutional Economics 16 (4), 2020, pp. 557-568
  23. The Importance of a Realistic Theory of Capital for Institutional Reform – The Case of Financial Accounting, in: New Perspectives on Political Economy, 17 (1), 2021, pp. 4-19
  24. On the constitutive role of law for economics - An Elaboration on the contribution by the German socio-legal School, in: Journal of Economic Issues, 55 (1), 2021, pp. 125-141
  25. The Institutional Preconditions of Homo Economicus, in: Journal of Economic Methodology, 28 (2), 2021, pp. 231-246
  26. The entrepreneurial function as an element of the institutional framework of capitalism – The enterprise, not the pure entrepreneur, is relevant, in: Journal of Economic Issues, forthcoming
  27. Das Paradox der Freiheit – Der Sozialismus als individualistische Weltanschauung, in: Ordo, forthcoming

  28. Accounting for Market Equilibrium - Comparing the Revenue-Expense to the Balance-Sheet Approach, in: Accounting, Economics, and Law. A Convivium, forthcoming

 D. Essays and articles in collected volumes

  1. The Subsistence Fund in Ludwig von Mises's Explanation of the Business Cycle, in: Jörg Guido Hülsmann (ed.): Theory of Money and Fiduciary Media: Essays in Celebration of the Centennial, Auburn (AL): Mises Institute, 2012, pp. 193-208, updated version of B. 2.
  2. Eduard Braun und Markus Grottke: Vom magischen Plagiatsviereck zum Wettbewerb als Entdeckungsverfahren - Ökonomische Ansätze zur Erkennung und Bekämpfung von Plagiaten, in: Markus Grottke (ed.): Plagiatserkennung, Plagiatsvermeidung und Plagiatssanktionierung, Cologne: Eul Verlag, 2012, pp. 13-42
  3. Eduard Braun und Mathias Erlei: Kapital, Kapitalgüter und Wirtschaftspolitik, in: Ralf Dewenter et al. (eds.): Wettbewerb und Regulierung in Medien, Politik und Märkten. Festschrift für Jörn Kruse zum 65. Geburtstag, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013, pp. 441-466
  4. Strigl, Richard Ritter v., in: Neue Deutsche Biographie, 25. Band, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2013, pp. 557-558
  5. Eduard Braun und Mathias Erlei: "Keynes und die Weltwirtschaftskrise", in: Ingo Pies und Martin Leschke (eds.): John Maynard Keynes' Gesellschaftstheorie, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014, pp. 155-184
  6. Israel Kirzner: Rationality, Entrepreneurship, and Economic 'Imperialism', in: Michael von Prollius (ed.): The Standards. Klassisch liberale Aufsätze neu interpretiert, Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2014, pp. 42-46
  7. Unsuspected Origins of Modern Austrian Economics: The Historical School of Economics on Capital and Economic Calculation, in: Per Bylund und David Howden (eds.): The Next Generation of Austrian Economics. Essays in Honor of Joseph T. Salerno, Auburn (AL): Mises Institute, 2015, pp. 75-87

E. Other publications

  1. Bibliographie von Richard von Strigl, www.mises.de
  2. Richard von Strigl zum 120. Geburtstag: Kapital und Produktion, on "eigentümlich frei" on 7.2.2011
  3. Der realwirtschatliche Kern des Finanzmarktes und der Finanzkrisen, on www.misesde.org on 17.12.2012
  4. Onkel oder Knecht?, on "eigentümlich frei" on 13.02.2014
  5. Die Rolle des Subsistenzfonds in Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrisen, on www.misesde.org on 24.2.2014
  6. Schumpeters entlarvende Analyse unseres Geldsystems, on www.misesde.org on 12.03.2014
  7. Die Theorie brachliegender Produktivkräfte, on www.misesde.org on 9.4.2014
  8. Interventionismus und Rechtspositivismus, on www.misesde.org on 11.07.2014
  9. The Role of the Leverage Effect in the Austrian Business Cycle Theory, on www.mises.ca on 26.12.2014
  10. Die Auswirkung einer Kreditexpansion auf die Produktionsstruktur, on www.misesde.org on 17.08.2015
  11. Der sogenannte Keynesianische Ausgabenmultiplikator, on www.misesde.org on 11.09.2015
  12. Interview with www.misesde.org on 09.10.2015
  13. Kapital und Kapitalismus in der Volkswirtschaftslehre, on www.misesde.org on 30.12.2015
  14. Gibt es einen Zusammenhang?, in: eigentümlich frei – Das Magazin 166, 2016, pp. 50-53
  15. Nun sag, wie hast Du's mit der Globalisierung? on "eigentümlich frei" on 30.11.2016
  16. Die Cambridge-Cambridge-Kontroverse über den Kapitalbegriff und ihre Bedeutung für die Österreichische Schule, on www.misesde.org on 06.01.2017

F. Contributions to conferences and research seminars

  1. "Die Kapitaltheorie Friedrich von Hayeks im Lichte der wiederkehrenden Finanzkrisen", presented at the Brown Bag Seminar of the School of Business, Economics and Information Systems (University of Passau) on  03.12.2008
  2. "The Wages-Fund Theory and its Application to Financial Markets", presented at the Austrian Research Seminar, University Paris-Assas on 07.04.2009
  3. "The Value of Money", presented at the Austrian Research Seminar, University Paris-Assas on 16.03.2010
  4. "Accounting Rules and Capital Theory", presented at the Austrian Research Seminar, University Paris-Assas on 16.11.2010
  5. "The Black-Fama-Hall System - A Critique", presented at the Brown Bag Seminar of the School of Business, Economics and Information Systems (University of Passau) on 16.02.2011
  6. "The German Crisis of 1873", presented at the Austrian Research Seminar, Universität Paris-Assas on 10.05.2011
  7. Finanzmärkte und Wirtschaftswachstum, presented at the "Hayek Gesprächskreis" of the University of Passau on 11.11.2011
  8. "Vom magischen Viereck der Plagiatsanreize zum Wettbewerb als Entdeckungsverfahren", together with Markus Grottke, presented during the lecture series Plagiate in der Wissenschaft - Ursachen, Wirkungen, Lösungsmöglichkeiten at the University of Passau on 17.01.2012
  9. "The Role of the Subsistence Fund in Mises's Theory of the Business Cycle", presented at the Austrian Scholars Conference in Auburn (AL) on 08.03.2012
  10. "The Concept of Gross Savings - A Critique", presented at the Austrian Scholars Conference in Auburn (AL) on 09.03.2012
  11. "Accounting Research and Practice in Hyperreality - How Method and Research Results of Eugen Schmalenbach Contribute to a Critical Understanding of Today's Accounting Research and Practice", together with Markus Grottke, presented at the Annual Conference of the British Accounting & Finance Association in Brighton (UK) on 18.04.2012
  12. "An 'Austrian' Take on the Connection between the Real Economy and the Financial Sector", presented in the Research Network ROME (Research on Money in the Economy) in Frankfurt on the Main on 11.05.2012
  13. "Über den Zusammenhang zwischen Realwirtschaft und Finanzwirtschaft", presented at the Clausthaler Ökonomischen Oberseminar (Clausthal Economic Oberseminar) on 13.06.2012
  14. "Keynes und die Weltwirtschaftskrise", together with Mathias Erlei, presented at the conference for the collected volume John Maynard Keynes' Gesellschaftstheorie at the University Foundation Leucorea in Wittenberg on 03.09.2013
  15. "Der Marktprozeß der Kapitalisierung - Ein Experiment zur Effektivität der Verwertung privater Informationen. Teil 1", presented at the Clausthaler Ökonomischen Oberseminar (Clausthal Economic Oberseminar) on 05.02.2014
  16. "Just a Matter of Prospect (Theory)? - The Ecological Rationality of the Traditional Accounting Principles", presented at the Annual Conference of the British Accounting & Finance Association an der London School of Economics on 15.04.2014
  17. "Der Marktprozeß der Kapitalisierung - Ein Experiment zur Effektivität der Verwertung privater Informationen. Teil 2", presented at the Clausthaler Ökonomischen Oberseminar (Clausthal Economic Oberseminar) on 23.07.2014
  18. "The Market Process of Capitalization: A Laboratory Experiment on the Effectiveness of Private Information", presented at the Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung in Passau on 23.09.2014
  19. "Was multipliziert der Keynesianische Multiplikator eigentlich?", presented at the Clausthaler Ökonomischen Oberseminar (Clausthal Economic Oberseminar) on 05.11.2014
  20. "The Keynesian Multiplier Actually is a Diminisher", presented at the 43. Hohenheimer Oberseminar on 14.11.2014
  21. "Low interest rates combined with fair-value accounting - What we could have learnt from the German crisis of 1873", presented at the 1st Witten Conference on Institutional Change on 14.12.2014
  22. "The Ecological Rationality of the Traditional Accounting Principles", präsentiert im Austrian Economics Research Seminar,ESCP Europe Paris on 20.01.2015
  23. "The Keynesian Multiplier Actually Is a Diminisher", presented during the conference Hayek, Keynes and the crisis. Analyses and Remedies, Sceaux (France) on 23.01.2015
  24. "Just a Matter of Prospect (Theory)? - The Ecological Rationality of the Traditional Accounting Principles", presented at the seminar Analytical Research in Financial Accounting, CAU Kiel on 12.03.2015
  25. "Die Institutionen der Wirtschaftsrechnung und die Ordnung der Marktwirtschaft", presented during the 4. Erfurt Graduate Seminars on the Future of Constitutional Economics, University of  Erfurt on 11.02.2016
  26. "The enterprise is the actual place for the entrepreneurial function in economic theory", presented at the WINIR Symposium on property rights, University of Bristol (GB) on 06.04.2016
  27. "The institutional preconditions of homo economicus", presented during the 5. Erfurt Graduate Seminars on the Future of Constitutional Economics, University of Erfurt on 16.02.2017 
  28. "Wachstumstheorie - Woher kommt der Wohlstand der Nationen", presented during the 3.Ludwig von Mises Deutschland Seminar, Kronberg im Taunus on 17.03.2017
  29. "Krisen - Minsky und die Österreicher", presented during the 3.Ludwig von Mises Deutschland Seminar, Kronberg im Taunus on 18.03.2017
  30. "Die Vereinheitlichung des Kapitalbegriffs als notwendige Aufgabe", presented at the conference Perspectives of an Integrated Austrian Theory, Universität Hamburg on 04.10.2017
  31. "Accounting for Equilibrium",  presented at the 4th Witten Conference on Institutional Change on 02.02.2018
  32. "Die liberale Kritik an der Haftungsbeschränkung für Kapitalgesellschaften", presented at the conference Freiheit und Kapitalismus, Evangelische Akademie Tutzing on 06.03.2018
  33. "Accounting for Market Equilibrium – Comparing the Revenue-Expense to the Balance-Sheet Approach", presented at the Prague Conference on Political Economy (PCPE) on 14.04.2018
  34. "Die Rolle des Merkantilismus bei der Trennung von Staat und Gesellschaft in der frühen Neuzeit", presented at the 39. Annual Conference of the Ausschusses für die Geschichte der Wirtschaftswissenschaften im Verein für Socialpolitik, Darmstadt on 25.05.2018
  35. "Is socialism an individualistic ideology?", presented at the Prague Conference on Political Economy (PCPE) on 27.04.2019


Department of Economics

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Room: 112
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Fax: +49 (5323) 72 - 7639

Office hours: by appointment