Quality Assurance and Maintenance
Quality Assurance and Maintenance

Learning outcomes
After the successful completion of this course, the students will
- be able to describe and apply essential methods of statistical quality control in product development, procurement, and manufacturing,
- be in a position to model and analyze aging and wearing of components and systems,
- be familiar with basic strategies of preventive and condition-based systems maintenance.
Chapter 1: Basic concepts of quality assurance and maintenance
1.1 Quality and quality assurance
1.2 Reliability and maintenance
1.3 Statistical basics
Chapter 2: Statistical process control
2.1 Methods of statistical process control
2.2 Process control charts for inspection by variables
2.3 Process control charts for inspection by attributes
2.4 Process capability analysis
Chapter 3: Acceptance sampling
3.1 Operating characteristics
3.2 Simple sampling plans
3.3 Multiple and sequential sampling plans
3.4 Continuous sampling plans
3.5 Sampling plans for inspection by variables
Chapter 4: Reliability of systems
4.1 Basic concepts
4.2 Series-parallel systems
4.3 k-out-of-n systems
4.4 Monotone binary systems
4.5 Lifetime distributions
4.6 Availability of systems
Chapter 5: Maintenance of systems
5.1 Basic concepts
5.2 Renewal strategies under sudden failures
5.3 Maintenance strategies under sudden failures
5.4 Inspection strategies under sudden failures
5.5 Renewal strategies under drift failures
- Barlow RE, Proschan, F (1996) Mathematical Theory of Reliability. SIAM, Philadelphia
- Beichelt F (1993) Zuverlässigkeits- und Instandhaltungstheorie. Teubner, Stuttgart
- Beichelt F, Franken P (1984) Zuverlässigkeit und Instandhaltung. Hanser, München
- Beichelt F, Tittmann P (2012) Reliability and Maintenance: Networks and Systems. CRC Press, Boca Raton
- Gertsbakh I (2005) Reliability Theory. Springer, Berlin
- Mittag H-J (1993) Qualitätsregelkarten. Hanser, München
- Rinne H, Mittag H-J (1995) Statistische Methoden der Qualitätssicherung. Hanser, München
- Rinne H, Mittag H-J (1999) Prozessfähigkeitsmessung für die industrielle Praxis. Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, Leipzig
- Uhlmann W (1982) Statistische Qualitätskontrolle. Teubner, Stuttgart