Research and knowledge transfer

Research activities
In our research we are concerned with the development of models and methods of operations management supporting the design and operation of value creation processes in companies and supply chains. We conceive of operations management as a major business function embracing all processes of order fulfillment. Process-oriented planning, organization, control, and monitoring of the production and logistics systems involved are prerequisites for effective and efficient satisfaction of customer needs. Our research activities are intended to make a contribution to this in the areas described below under the heading "Research areas". The current and completed dissertation projects are skteched under the item "PhD projects".
Publications dealing with main topics of research are compiled on the personal web pages of the research assistants, linked below the individual PhD project. Jointly with the Operations Research group we constitute the Research Area Operations Management at TU Clausthal's Institute of Management and Economics.
Promotion of junior scientists
Results of the current PhD projects are regularly presented in the Doktorandenworkshops Nordost. At present, working groups of FU Berlin, TU Brunswick, TU Clausthal, TU Cottbus, Göttingen, Halle-Wittenberg, Hanover, Hohenheim, Kiel, and Magdeburg participate in this workshop.
We are a member of the Graduiertenschule Operations Management and Research, in which ten chairs of the three Universities of Brunswick, Clausthal and Hanover from the areas of Production Economics, Operations Research, Applied Mathematics, and Business Informatics have pooled PhD candidate tuition. The graduate school imparts method-oriented basic knowledge of Operations Management and Operations Research to the participating PhD candidates in a compact form. The course program includes established and newer academically demanding methods of the subject groups, which are taught in way especially adapted for PhD candidates.